Our Programs

Adolescent Young People (AYP) Program
The program focuses on Adolescents and Young People (AYP), both in and out of school, aged 10-24 years, with the goal of influencing risk reduction, behaviour change, and empowerment.
- Increase retention in school
- Increase economic opportunities
- Decrease HIV incidence
- Decrease teenage pregnancy
The AYP Program receives services in two main services components called Core and Layered services.

In-School services
The In-School programme focuses on 10 – 14 years for primary schools and 15 – 19 for secondary and tertiary AYP’s in schools. The AYP Programme supports selected schools in Govan Mbeki sub-district. Learner Support Agents, In-School Supervisors and In-School Champions are placed in various schools to render services as needed. Layered services include homework support, home visits, return to school, peer-educational programme, dignity packs, career guidance and comprehensive sexuality educational institutional support.

Out-school services
The Out-School programme focuses on 20-24 years AYP in communities. Out-School services include biomedical services, teen parenting programmes, physical activities and economic empowerment recreational activities, academic and psychosocial support. Safe spaces are also accessed by learners after school for homework support as provided by HEAPS tutors.

Demand Creation
AYP program demand creation is done through WhatsApp, SMS, Awareness campaigns, distribution of IEC material and local media