in-school services department

The Adolescent Young People (AYP) Program aims to decrease HIV incidence and teenage pregnancy, increase school retention and economic opportunities and reduce gender-based violence (GBV) amongst in- school adolescents within the ages 10-14 and 15-24 years.

The program is run within 24 schools (16 primary schools and 8 secondary schools) within the Embalenhle and Leandra areas. The team consists of an In-School Coordinator, 5 Supervisors, 3 Champions and 24 Learner Support Agents.


HEAPS was awarded the award for the Best Performing SR in the overall In-School implementation and the Best Performing SR in the implementation of the program within the primary schools by the Aids Foundation South Africa (AFSA).

In-School Coordinator

Provides overall management and pragmatic direction which includes coordinating and providing technical, administrative and logistical support to the program. Provides supervision to In-School Supervisors, Learner Support Agents and Champions while monitoring their progress and ensuring that they meet expectations of the AYP Program In-School objectives.

Learner Support Agents (LSA’s)

Responsible for provision of comprehensive school based psychosocial interventions to AYP aged 10-14 and 15-19 years. The LSA’s educate AYP in schools by providing educational, health programs through awareness campaigns and sharing of information which aim to prevent and reduces substance abuse, bullying, teenage pregnancy and gender-based violence. Identify orphaned and vulnerable children, offer homework support and reading assistance, form study groups with the AYP and imparts studying and CV making skills. Works with the School Based Support Team and relevant stakeholders to refer the AYP for holistic interventions.

Learner Support Agents (LSA’s)

Responsible for provision of comprehensive school based psychosocial interventions to AYP aged 10-14 and 15-19 years. The LSA’s educate AYP in schools by providing educational, health programs through awareness campaigns and sharing of information which aim to prevent and reduces substance abuse, bullying, teenage pregnancy and gender-based violence. Identify orphaned and vulnerable children, offer homework support and reading assistance, form study groups with the AYP and imparts studying and CV making skills. Works with the School Based Support Team and relevant stakeholders to refer the AYP for holistic interventions.


Responsible for the successful implementation of the AYP programme in schools. Coordinate school activities, monitors the LSA’s, offers core package and basic psychosocial support and refers the AYP to relevant services.

In-School Champions

Support the In-School Supervisors and Learner Support Agents in coordinating school activities. Offer core package, writes referrals to relevant services and links the AYP to those services.


Donation for OVC at a Primary School in Leandra

The LSA at the school identified an orphaned and vulnerable learner at her schools and reached out to community members for donations towards the learner. The learner was provided with school uniform, clothes and an iron.

Establishment of a Special Needs Class at a School in Leandra

Assessment for 80 learners with learning barriers was conducted in the beginning of the year in the school. 28 of the learners were found to not be a fit at the current school and needed to be referred to a special needs school. The SBST working with the LSA resolved that it would much rather be better for the school to establish a special needs class instead of transferring the learners to another school. The letter was compiled and submitted to the Department of Basic Education and a request to adopt a DCAPS Curriculum for SID and MID learners was granted.

The school will now accommodate learners with special needs in the special class.

Learner at a Secondary School in Leandra Granted Concession

The LSA at the school received a case involving a learner with a health condition who needed psychosocial support. The LSA and Supervisor worked with the SBST to write a letter granting permission for the learner to write her exams near a school close to home in Kinross and not Leandra because the learner was experiencing difficulties and discomfort with traveling a long distance in her condition. Permission was granted and the learner could write her exams closer to home.

Advocacy at a Local Clinic for two learners and their mother Part 2

The supervisors received a case of a mother who has learners who attend at a Primary School and who are 7 years and 9 years old. They were facing a challenge where their mother was sent back three times by the local clinic from obtaining 3 clinic cards for her children. The two supervisors intervened and advocated for the mother to receive the clinic cards and were further able to get her assistance with obtaining a proof of birth form and a referral form to Ermelo Home Affairs in order to be able to apply for the children’s birth certificates.


The supervisors further raised funds for the travelling costs for the mother to go and continue the application process at the Home Affairs in Ermelo.

Successful removal of a learner to a place of safety

The Supervisor at a Primary School received a case of a 10-year-old girl who was being sexually abused by an uncle she lived with.

The Supervisor referred to the case to the Social Worker who intervened further within the case and confirmed that the learner was living in danger. She referred the case to the Department of Social Development and persistently followed up on the progress until the learner was successfully removed to a place of safety.

Social Worker and Supervisor donations for a family which experienced a fire disaster

A teacher at a Primary School reported an incident where a fire took place in the home of 3 of their learners which completely destroyed everything and one of the learners lost their lives.

The Supervisor and Social Worker took it upon themselves to go and visit the said home and offer psychosocial support. Upon noticing how dire the situation was, they reached out to the community for donations that would assist the family to rebuild their home. They received a window frame, a carpet and 14 corrugated iron pieces donated by community members which were shared with the family.  The teacher and the family were grateful for the intervention.

  1. Kiriyatswane Secondary
  2. Kusasalethu Comprehensive
  3. Chief Ampie Mayisa Secondary
  4. Sizwakele Secondary
  5. Thomas Nhlabathi
  6. Osizweni Secondary
  7. Vukuqhakaze High
  8. K.I Thwala
  9. Isibanisezwe Combined
  10. Osizweni Primary
  11. Allan Makhunga Primary
  12. Lifalethu Primary
  13. Maphala Gulube Primary
  14. Mbalenhle Primary
  15. Zamokuhle Primary
  16. Mpumelelo Primary
  17. Tholukwazi Primary
  18. Vukuzithathe Primary
  19. Petros Maziya Primary
  20. Shapeve Primary
  21. Sidingulwazi Primary
  22. SS Mshayisa Primary
  23. Thorisong Primary
  24. Muzimuhle Primary